01.29.25 Selectboard Agenda 4PM

Town of Woodstock

Selectboard Meeting

January 29th, 2025


Town Hall & Zoom


  1. Call to order
  2. Additions to & deletions from posted agenda
  3. Citizen Comments
  4. Vote

Pentangle – 1st Class Liquor License

FY26 Town Meeting Signing of Warning

Housing Coordinator Contract
Pomfret Ambulance Bill

  1. Discussion

Water Ordinance

  1. Executive Session 1 V.S.A 313
  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. 19.24
    2. 17.25
    3. 30.24
    4. 07.25
    5. 13.25
    6. 21.25
  1. Adjournment

This Meeting will be held in person at Town Hall and on Zoom

The link to join us is


or from zoom.us you can enter these details to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 847-8240-6503

Password: 247624

You can also download the Zoom app on your smartphone