Village Trustees
The Village of Woodstock is a municipal government entity that is located within the boundaries of the Town of Woodstock. The Village was chartered by the State of Vermont in 1836 continuing throughout to the present. The Board of Village Trustees has five members who are elected at large and who are responsible for determining Village policy. The Chief Executive Officer is the Municipal Manager who is appointed by the Board of Village Trustees and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Village.
Members & Terms
Seton McIlroy, Chair ( 2026)
Jeffrey Kahn, Vice Chair (2027)
Brenda Blakeman (2025)
Frank Horneck (2026)
Lisa Lawlor (2025)
Meeting Schedule:
2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
At the Town Hall & on Zoom
Zoom Link:
Or from you can enter these details to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 858-7962-2419
Password: 412048
You can also download the Zoom app on your smartphone.