Statutory Requirements

State Statutes mandate more of our activities.  The dates are as follows:

April 1 – All taxable real property in Woodstock is assessed at fair market value which is then adjusted by the equalization ratio by the state.

April 15 – Last day to file the HS-122 Homestead Declaration form with the state.  This form entitles you to be taxed at the Homestead School Tax Rate and is found in the Vermont Income Tax booklet.  There is a late penalty for those who file after this date so it is VERY important to file this form on time.  HS-122 FORM

May 1 – Notices of eligibility for Disable Veteran exemptions are due in the Lister’s Office.

June – Property values are finalized for the tax year by the Listers and the Abstract of the Grand List is lodged.  Notices are mailed to all property owners who have had any changes to their assessed values and notices are placed around town regarding the Grievance Period.  If a property owner wishes to grieve their assessment, they have 14 days from the date notices were either sent or posted to notify the Lister’s Office and set up an appointment to grieve their assessment.

Mid-August – Tax bills are mailed to property owners as of April 1.  The first installment is due the first Friday in November and the second installment is due the first Friday in May.  Only one bill is mailed which contains two stubs, one for each payment.

September – Deadline for submitting applications for the Land Use Program.