
Does my application need to go to a Hearing?

Please note:  If you live in the Village Design Review District, every external construction or change needs to go to two hearings (Design Review Hearing & VDRB Hearing).  Applications must be in 12 days before the Design Review Hearing.  Meetings are bi-monthly.  Applications for Village Development Review Board Hearings need to be in 25 days before the Hearing.  Call the office for deadline information.

Chart of the Permit Process


Exempt (no permit required):
•    Fences if they comply with the Village regulations and R.O.W. requirement (See Section 513)-
**All fences in the Design Review District require a hearing.
•    Above ground pool less than 3 feet deep
•    Short-term rentals during foliage season, If the owner or primary tenant is in residence throughout the rental period.
      **All other short-term rentals require a permit (Section 522 Short Term Rentals)
•    Some signs are exempt (Section 519)
•    Accessory shed less than 64 sq. ft. ( 8′ x 8′).  Must meet setback provisions. However,
      **All sheds in the Design Review District require a hearing.
•    Home Occupations that meet the “exempt” qualifications (See Section 514)

Administrative Permit (15 day appeal period)

•    Single Family Residential construction and additions
•    Structures Accessory to a Single-family Dwelling (decks, garages, sheds, etc.)
•    Two-family Dwelling in some districts
•    Detached Apartments (See Section 510)
•    Dish Antennae over 40″ (except in Design Review District)
•    Excavation of more than 9 cubic feet
•    Fences that do not comply with the Regulations or in the Design Review District
•    Signs
•    Home Occupations that do not meet the “exempt” qualifications
•    Lot line adjustment

Permit applications that must go to Hearing:  (30 day appeal period)
•    All Subdivisions, Minor & Major
•    New Commercial Units, Renovations, or Expansions
•    Construction in Overlay Zone (Scenic Ridgeline, Conservation, Flood Hazard, etc.)
•    Expansion of Nonconforming Uses & Nonconforming Structures
•    Home Enterprise / and in some cases, Home Occupation
•    Short-term rentals for period of less than thirty days
 (Section 522)
•    Bed & Breakfast
•    Fences in the Design Review District


Exempt (no permit required):
•    Fences – must comply with Town regulations & R.O.W. requirements (Section 513)
•    Above ground pool less than 3 feet deep
•    Short-term rentals during foliage season,If the owner or primary tenant is in residence throughout the rental period.
     **All other short-term rentals require a permit (Section 526 Short Term Rentals)
•    Some signs are exempt (Section 525)
•    Temporary garage placed from November 1 – April 15.
**Structure must meet all 
setback requirements.
•    Accessory shed less than 64 sq. ft. and must meet setback provisions.
•    Home Occupations that meet the “exempt” qualifications (Section 516)

Administrative Permit Required:  (15 day appeal period)
•    Single Family Residential construction and additions
•    Structures Accessory to a Single-family Dwelling (decks, garages, sheds..)
•    Two-family Dwelling in some districts
•    Detached Apartments (Section 509)
•    Excavation of more than 5,000 sq. ft.
•    Fences that do not comply with the Regulations
•    Signs
•    Home Occupations that do not meet the “exempt” qualifications
•    Lot line adjustment
•    Subdivision Minor (See Section 714)

Permit applications that must go to a Hearing:  (30 day appeal period)
•    Subdivisions, Major
•    New Commercial Units, Renovation, or Expansion
•    Any construction in Overlay Zone (Scenic Ridgeline, Conservation, Flood Hazard)
•    Expansion of Nonconforming Uses & Nonconforming Structures
•    Bed & Breakfast
•    Home Enterprise / and in some cases, Home Occupation
•    Short-term rentals for period of less than thirty days (Section 525)
•    Any exterior changes in the Design Review District (S. Woodstock) including sheds and fences
will go to the S. Woodstock Design Review Board AND the
 Town Development Review Board meeting.