Notice – Winter Parking Ban
Notice for Woodstock Village Winter Parking Ban-November 15th – April 15th Woodstock Village Ordinance In accordance with Village Ordinance, Title 8; Chapter 3-§8322, General Prohibitions During Specific Times: (c) Upon any roadway between the hours of 12:01 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. from November 15 to April 15, inclusive, of each year, except that parking shall be allowed where, when, and to the extent otherwise permitted as follows: (1) In the section of the Mechanic Street parking lot identified by clearly marked signs specifically allowing overnight parking, as approved by the Board of Village Trustees; between the hours of 6:00 pm and 8:00 am. (2) Parking spaces on Mechanic Street that…
Public Notice – Sidewalk Maintenance by Property Owners
VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK PUBLIC NOTICE Sidewalk Maintenance by Property Owners The Ordinances of the Village of Woodstock require property owners to keep the public sidewalks located adjacent to their property clear of snow and ice to a width of three feet. Property owners who fail to do this will be fined a sum of $25.00 and in addition will pay for the actual cost of the Village for clearing the walk of snow or ice and any additional maintenance required.
Public Notice – Snow Removal
PUBLIC NOTICE IMPORTANT TOWN / VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK INFORMATION FROM VERMONT STATUTES REGARDING SNOW REMOVAL It is unlawful to plow, snow blow, or shovel snow onto a Town or Village highway or street or right of way, in a way that leaves snow in the roadway. Violation of this law may result in a $1,000.00 fine plus the actual costs of repairing any damage resulting from such obstruction of the highway. (Title19V.S.A.1105) It is unlawful to cause water or ice to run onto a town highway or street in such a way that it causes damage to the highway or street, obstructs traffic, or creates unsafe conditions. (Title19V.S.A.1111) Both the…
Public Notice
PUBLIC NOTICE WOODSTOCK HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TOWN AND VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK The Woodstock Town and Village Highway Department requests all edge of road markings such as: rocks, grade stakes, bricks, etc. be removed from the Town and Village highway right of way before November 15, 2021, so as not to impede snow removal. This is due to a concern for safety and to prevent any of these items from being hit or propelled into the air by the snowplow which could injure an individual, or damage property or highway equipment. Any items remaining in the highway right of way after that date will be removed by the Highway Department. Thank you…