Town Constable

Woodstock Constable

The position of Woodstock Constable is an elected office.  Woodstock Constables have served the people by responding to calls of the usual nature.  Because it is an elected position, the Constables like to keep in mind the importance of the support of the community and the importance of personal contact with the people that they serve in the Town of Woodstock.

Kelly Linton is our Town Constable.

The Constables continue to answer dog complaints and have successfully secured a holding area at the Woodstock Animal Care facility on Route 4 in Woodstock.  Please note that dogs need to be licensed every year and their vaccinations kept up to date.  Dog licenses are available at the Town Clerk’s Office and deadline for licensing is April 1st.

Woodstock Constables respond to the following calls:
Traffic control at fires and other emergencies
Animal Complaints