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    Notice of Vacancy – Finance Committee

    Town & Village of Woodstock Notice of Vacancy Finance Committee One vacancy exists on the Finance Committee for the Town & Village of Woodstock. If you are interested in being considered for this vacancy, please send an email to Nikki Nourse at [email protected] for an application. All applications will be due by April 5, 2023, to be considered. Interviews with the Select Board & Village Trustees are required. The interviews will take place on April 11th at 6:30 pm and April 21st at 6:00 pm at the Town Hall and by Zoom. Please call the Municipal Manager’s Office at (802) 457-3456 with any questions. 

  • Notices

    Return of Vote – March 7, 2023

    Return of Vote March 7, 2023     SELECTBOARD (3 Year) KERI COLE*             394 BLANK                       82 WRITE-IN                      6 TOTAL                       482   SELECTBOARD (2 Year) RAY BOURGEOIS* 370 BLANK                      102 WRITE-IN                    10 TOTAL                       482   TOWN CLERK CHARLES DEGENER*       430 BLANK                                    52 WRITE-IN                                  0 TOTAL                                   482   TOWN TREASURER CHARLES DEGENER*       414 BLANK                                    65 WRITE-IN                                  3 TOTAL                                   482   MODERATOR MATT MAXHAM*               440 BLANK                                    40 WRITE-IN                                  2 TOTAL                                   482   LISTER BLANK                                  408 WRITE-IN (Byron Quinn)*     45 WRITE-IN (All Others)           29 TOTAL                                   482   AUDITOR (1 Year) BLANK                     …

  • Notices

    Town Meeting March 4th!

    The Annual Town Meeting will be held in person at Town Hall in the Pentangle Theater at 10:00 am. Zoom will be available for those who wish to view but not participate. You will not be able to ask questions or vote by Zoom. The link to join us is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84782406503?pwd=UXAzWnJxaEE0MzJaMlBKeHJPUjB6QT09   or from zoom.us you can enter these details to join the meeting Meeting ID: 847-8240-6503 Password: 247624 You can also download the Zoom app on your smartphone   For those without a computer or smartphone you may call in: Phone number: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 847-8240-6503 Password: 247624   For Help on Joining Use this Link: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting   Please…