🛣️ Woodstock Highway Department Notice: Roadside Items Removal 🛣️🌲

Attention Woodstock Residents!

As winter approaches, the Woodstock Highway Department kindly requests your cooperation in ensuring the safety and efficiency of our snow removal operations. ❄️

📅 Deadline: November 15, 2023

Action Required: Remove Edge-of-Road Markings

We kindly ask all residents to remove any edge-of-road markings such as rocks, grade stakes, bricks, etc., from the Town highway right of way before November 15, 2023.

Why is this important? Snowplows can inadvertently hit or propel these items into the air, posing a risk to individuals, property, and highway equipment.

Please Note: Any items remaining in the highway right of way after the specified date will be subject to removal by the Highway Department.