03.18.25 Trustee Agenda- Immediately following Village Meeting

Village of Woodstock

Board of Trustees

March 18th, 2025

Immediately following Village Meeting

Town Hall & Zoom



  1. Call to order
  2. Additions and Deletions to posted agenda
  3. Citizens’ Comment
  4. Restructuring of Board
  5. Newspapers of Record
  6. Votes
    1. Municipal appointments
      1. Village Development Review Board (2)
      2. Planning Commission (3)
      3. Village Design Advisory Board (2)
      4. Finance Committee (2)
      5. Conservation Commission (1)
  1. Discussions
    1. Review of the responsibilities of the Trustees
  1. Executive Session 1 V.S.A 313
  2. Other Business


  1. Adjournment

This meeting will be held in person at the Town Hall and on Zoom.

The link to join us by Zoom is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85879622419?pwd=Q1NZUIFKaWRPTmZURFppUGxWRU9UUT09