Town Hall Rejuvenation Committee
Town of Woodstock
Notice of Vacancies
Town Hall Rejuvenation Committee
The Select Board has recently decided to re-organize the Town Hall Rejuvenation Committee for the Town of Woodstock. If you are interested in being considered for this Committee, please send an email to Nikki Nourse at for an application. All potential members of the committee will need to complete an application. This committee will consist of elected officials, key staff and local citizens. The board is looking for individuals with experience in capital planning, design, construction and financing. All applications will be due by February 9, 2022 to be considered. An interview by the Select Board is required. The interview will take place on February 15, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Town Hall and by Zoom. Please call the Municipal Manager’s Office at (802) 457-3456 with any questions.