Certified Local Government Ordinance – Village
NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF The Ordinance for Establishment of Certified Local Government Committee
On February 8, 2022, the Trustees of the Village of Woodstock, Vermont, adopted the Ordinance for Establishment of Certified Local Government Committee. This notice is published pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1972 to inform the public of these amendments and of the citizens’ right to petition for a vote to disapprove these amendments.
This ordinance is intended to benefit the cultural enrichment and general well-being of the community.
The full text of the Ordinance may be examined at the Woodstock Town office at 31 the Green and may be examined during regular office hours or it can be viewed online by visiting townofwoodstock.org.
Title 24 V.S.A. § 1973 grants citizens the right to petition for a vote at a special or annual Village Meeting
to disapprove ordinances adopted by the Village Trustees. To exercise this right, citizens must present to the Village Trustees or the Town Clerk a petition for a vote on the question of disapproving the ordinance signed by not less than five percent (5%) of the Village’s qualified voters. The petition must be presented within forty-four (44) days following the date of the adoption of the ordinance. Unless a petition requesting a vote is filed pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1973, the Ordinance for Establishment of Certified Local Government Committee shall become effective sixty (60) days from the date of said adoption.
Additional information pertaining to this Ordinance may be obtained by contacting William Kerbin, Municipal Manger by calling 802-457-3456 during regular office hours or by emailing wkerbin@townofwoodstock.org.
FULL ORDINANCE: CLG Ordinance Village of Woodstock (1)