• Notices

    Special Village Meeting Tonight 7PM – Zoom Link

    This is the zoom link for the Special Village Meeting TONIGHT at 7PM. Remember village residences have to vote in person.   Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85879622419?pwd=Q1NZUIFKaWRPTmZURFppUGxWRU9UUT09 Or from zoom.us you can enter these details to join the meeting: Meeting ID: 858-7962-2419 Password: 412048 You can also download the Zoom app on your smartphone.

  • Notices

    Attention ALL Town and Village Residences – Remember to VOTE TOMORROW JULY 30th on the Short Term Rentals Ordinance

    We have two public votes scheduled for Tuesday, July 30th on whether or not to overturn the recently passed Town and Village Short Term Rental ordinances. One vote is on the TOWN ordinance and the other is on the VILLAGE ordinance. Village Voting - Village residents can vote on both the Town and Village ordinances (because they are residents of both). - The Village vote is in-person at 7:00pm at Town Hall. You must be present to vote. Town Voting - Town residents can only vote on the Town ordinance (because they are residents of the Town, not the Village) - The Town vote will take place via Australian ballot…