Planning and Zoning

[email protected]

Mike Tuller, AICP

Director of Planning & Zoning
(802) 457 -7515
(802) 457-3456 Option 2
In the Office: Tuesday and Thursday 8am-4:00pm
Tuesday and Thursday Appointment Encouraged
Email: [email protected]

Molly Maxham

Land Use Coordinator
[email protected]


The role of the department is to foster public involvement and creativity and advise the legislative decision makers and the public in how to formulate and implement policies which balance the environmental, economic, and social needs for the present and future. The department is responsible for all planning, administration, and enforcement of the Zoning Regulations. The Department works with the Planning Commission to develop the Woodstock Master Plan and modernize the Land Use Regulations.  The department also performs professional, administrative, and technical support on land use and design issues.

Proposed Amendments:

11.06.2024 Planning Commission Hearing Notice

Notice of Amendment of the Village STR Ordinance

Regulations & Plans:

2023 Woodstock Town Plan

Town Zoning Regulations

Village Zoning Regulations

Zoning Amendments:

Housing Zoning Amendments as Adopted on 10.10.2023

On-farm Restaurant Amendment 10.25.2022

Zoning Applications:

Fill-in Zoning Permit Application

Directions for Online Application Payments

Zoning Regulations Searchable:

Town Zoning Regulations searchable

Village Zoning Regulations-searchable

Zoning Maps:

2023 Planning & Zoning Maps

State Permits:

Do I Need a State Permit?

Village Short-Term Rental Ordinance:


Short-term Rental Fee Schedule