Certified Local Government Ordinance – Village

TOWN OF WOODSTOCK, VERMONT   NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF The Ordinance for Establishment of Certified Local Government Committee On February 8, 2022, the Trustees of the Village of Woodstock, Vermont, adopted the Ordinance for Establishment of Certified Local Government Committee. This notice is published pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1972 to inform the public of these amendments and of the citizens’ […]

Village Warning

WARNING VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK Public Information Meeting & Annual Village Meeting March 15, 2022 & March 24, 2022 The citizens of the Village of Woodstock, who are legal voters in the Village of Woodstock, County of Windsor, State of Vermont, are hereby warned to meet on Zoom or in person on the 15th day of March 2022 at 6:30 pm […]

Sewer Bill FAQ

Why is my sewer bill higher than last year?                 The sewer bond for $96,300.00 for the South Woodstock Wastewater Treatment Plant was included in this year’s bill. This was voted on by the town at last year’s Town Meeting. Businesses also used less water than usual, so this causes bills to rise in order to hit the sewer budget […]

Winsor Central Unified Union School District Annual Warning

WARNING FOR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WINDSOR CENTRAL UNIFIED UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT The legal voters of Windsor Central Unified Union School District, comprising the voters of the Towns of Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Plymouth, Pomfret, Reading, and Woodstock, are hereby warned and notified that an Informational Hearing will be held via audio/video conferencing pursuant to Act 172, on Thursday, February 24, […]