Town Warning

WARNING TOWN OF WOODSTOCK, VERMONT ANNUAL TOWN MEETING/INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS February 26 and March 1, 2022 The legal voters of the Town of Woodstock, County of Windsor, State of Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet on Zoom on February 26th at 10:00 am, for the Annual Meeting which will be in the form of an informational Zoom and in […]

Cannabis FAQ

What is cannabis?   Cannabis, also known as marijuana, weed, pot or dope refers to the dried flowers, leaves, stems and seeds of the cannabis plant. The Vermont State Legislature defined cannabis specifically in state statute: Cannabis has tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is impairing and cannabidiol (CBD) which is not impairing, meaning it does not cause a “high”. Hemp refers to […]

Planning Commission Public Hearing On-Farm Restaurant Amendment 2/23/22 7:00 PM

On Farm Restaurant Amendment Planning Commission Public Hearing 7PM The link to join us is: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 886 4885 1165 Passcode: 345452   You can also download the Zoom app on your smartphone. For those without a computer or smartphone you may call in: Phone number: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 886 4885 1165 Password: 345452 […]

Town Hall Rejuvenation Committee

Town of Woodstock Notice of Vacancies Town Hall Rejuvenation Committee The Select Board has recently decided to re-organize the Town Hall Rejuvenation Committee for the Town of Woodstock. If you are interested in being considered for this Committee, please send an email to Nikki Nourse at [email protected] for an application. All potential members of the committee will need to complete […]

Budget Schedule

Town of Woodstock Budget Schedule October, 2021   October, 2021 Meet w/department heads November 16, 2021* Fire/EMS/Ambulance November 18, 2021 Planning and Zoning/Town Clerk November 30, 2021 Highway December 2, 2021 Listers/Dispatch December 7, 2021 Municipal Manager/Accounting December 9, 2021 Council on Aging/Library/Rec Center December 14, 2021 Pentangle/Cemetery December 16, 2021 Sewer/ Constable December 21, 2021 1st Draft of FY […]

Notice – Winter Parking Ban

Notice for Woodstock Village Winter Parking Ban-November 15th – April 15th Woodstock Village Ordinance In accordance with Village Ordinance, Title 8; Chapter 3-§8322, General Prohibitions During Specific Times: (c) Upon any roadway between the hours of 12:01 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. from November 15 to April 15, inclusive, of each year, except that parking shall be allowed where, when, and […]

Public Notice – Sidewalk Maintenance by Property Owners

VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK PUBLIC NOTICE Sidewalk Maintenance by Property Owners The Ordinances of the Village of Woodstock require property owners to keep the public sidewalks located adjacent to their property clear of snow and ice to a width of three feet. Property owners who fail to do this will be fined a sum of $25.00 and in addition will pay […]

Public Notice – Snow Removal

PUBLIC NOTICE IMPORTANT TOWN / VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK INFORMATION FROM VERMONT STATUTES REGARDING SNOW REMOVAL It is unlawful to plow, snow blow, or shovel snow onto a Town or Village highway or street or right of way, in a way that leaves snow in the roadway. Violation of this law may result in a $1,000.00 fine plus the actual costs […]

Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE WOODSTOCK HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TOWN AND VILLAGE OF WOODSTOCK The Woodstock Town and Village Highway Department requests all edge of road markings such as: rocks, grade stakes, bricks, etc. be removed from the Town and Village highway right of way before November 15, 2021, so as not to impede snow removal. This is due to a concern for safety […]